Oregon Bill of Sale Forms
An Oregon bill of sale is a legal document that details the transfer of ownership of a property or asset from one party to the other in exchange for money. It is commonly used in the sale of different types of transportation, such as automobiles, motorcycles, watercraft, and aircraft. It is also used in transactions involving personal property like furniture, antique products, firearms, and even animals.
It is the responsibility of the seller to draft the bill of sale. They must include all the pertinent details of the transaction — its color, price, where the transaction was made, and more. The document will also include the names of the buyer and seller as well as their addresses.
Oregon Bill of Sale By Type
Oregon Vehicle Registration Forms
- Application for Registration, Renewal, Replacement or Transfer of Plates and/or Stickers - Vehicle owners submit the form to the Department of Transportation Driver and Motor Vehicle Services in exchange for a registration certificate and license plate.
- Application for Title and Registration (735-226) - This form is required for vehicles that are registered for the first time (such as new owners).
Oregon Boat/Vessel Registration Forms
The Application for Boat Title and/or Registration is used for motorized boats and sailboats longer than 12 feet. With this form, the property will be registered and issued a title.
Oregon Firearm Registration Forms: Register of Transfer of Used Firearms
The Register of Transfer of Used Firearms enables the registration of firearms in Oregon. A duplicate copy must be submitted to the local law enforcement where the sale was made. Firearms in Oregon only need to be registered if they are sold or leased to someone else.